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Cure Dental Phobia with Sedation Dentistry

Did you know that nearly half of the adult population in the US has true dental fear or dental phobia? Most commonly the result of very bad past experience(s), dental phobia ranks in the top 3 phobias in adults. Other contributing factors to dental anxieties are feelings of loss of control, embarrassment, needles, the drill, and dental smells. The Atlanta Dental Spa team understands these fears and anxieties which is why we created our practices in a way that gets rid of many of these “old school” practices.

When you walk through our doors, you will not even feel like you’re at the dentist. Dental anxiety is an all-too-real problem for many and our aim is to make your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible. We have a full range of sedation options, including oral pills, IV sedation, and nitrous oxide. You’re sure to find a solution that works best for your needs.

IV Sedation (Conscious or Twilight Sedation)

Conscious sedation is a safe, controlled, and reversible option for the reduction of anxiety, memory, and time perception during a procedure. It can be administered orally or intravenously and produces a shallow state of sedation which allows the patient to maintain control of safety, reflexive functions, and cognitive response.

This method was originally intended for use by cardiac patients with a history of heart disease in order to provide the most secure possible treatment for at-risk patients. At Atlanta Dental Spa, each of our patients receives the safest and most gentle sedation treatment options available.

How Sedation Dentistry Works

A lot of people think IV sedation may not be safe for them. Dental anxiety is actually why IV sedation was introduced into dentistry. Being scared, nervous, and having extra anxiety can trigger cardiac events. When you’re under IV sedation you’re very calm, mild manner, nothing is upsetting, and your anxiety level is so low that your procedure can be done in a much safer health environment.

Also, if you have a high blood pressure episode, we have direct access to give you medications to keep you at a very safe, controlled level. That can’t be done if you aren’t on an IV. But IV sedation isn’t just for folks who have medical conditions. Pure anxiety is reason enough.

The first thing we’ll do is meet you and find out about you, understand what you’re scared about, and what your medical history is. This will allow us to treat you safely and predictably, and understand what it is that we need to do and how we can maximize your dental appointment.

We’ll determine if IV sedation is a good option for you when you come in for your consultation. During the procedure, we’ll give you a combination of medications that minimize how much you remember. Your 2-hour appointment may only seem like it takes 20 minutes! We will make you totally comfortable, and we will minimize swelling and discomfort post-procedure.

Dental Anxiety Management

Only 3% of dentists are sedation certified!

Atlanta Dental Spa provides safe and simple solutions to your dental anxiety. We take our patients through a consultation that covers medical history, anxiety history, and a discussion of concerns and fears.

We manage anxiety using three methods including conscious sedation, pre-op preparation, and nitrous oxide. To encourage relaxation and provide a comfortable, relaxing environment, we provide noise-canceling headphones, shaded eyewear, and HD TVs.

3 Levels of Sedation

Nitrous Oxide

Also commonly referred to as laughing gas, this method is ideal for those requiring quick recovery following a procedure. Nitrous oxide can be administered and quickly flushed out by oxygen within minutes. 

Following a nitrous oxide treatment, the patient will leave Atlanta Dental Spa as alert and bright-eyed as upon arrival.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation dentistry comprises a tiny pill, which is safe and will allow you to undergo multiple procedures at once, and you won’t even know you went to the dentist! This tiny pill calms all nerves and takes you into a twilight sedated state. 

While you’re sedated, our team of dentists performs your procedures. When you “wake up” you’re back home and comfortable. It’s that simple!

IV Sedation

The most comprehensive – and safest – sedation procedure. By having direct access to your circulatory system, we can take you to a deeper level of sedation by using modern sedation medications, such as Versed, Fentanyl, and Toradol, etc. 

Your blood pressure, heart rate, and the amount of oxygen in your blood are continuously monitored by the Atlanta Dental Spa team.

Save Time with IV Sedation at Atlanta Dental Spa

At Atlanta Dental Spa, we know your time is valuable, and we want to make your dental visits as smooth and efficient as possible. That's where IV sedation comes in. Not only does it help ease anxiety and make you more comfortable, but it can also save you a lot of time. Instead of needing multiple visits to complete your treatments, IV sedation allows us to get more done in a single appointment. This means fewer trips to the dentist.

If you need work in different areas of your mouth, sedation lets us handle it all at once without the usual stress. You get to relax while we get to work. Plus, as the year wraps up, a lot of patients are looking to make the most of their dental insurance benefits. With sedation dentistry, we can combine multiple treatments into one longer appointment, so you don’t miss out on those benefits before they expire.

Choosing IV sedation is about comfort and making the most of your time. Instead of spending hours in the dental chair spread over several visits, you get to get back to your life quicker. If this sounds like something you're interested in, give us a call! We would love to chat with you about how sedation can make your dental experience easier and more convenient.

Highest Quality End ProsthesisTraditionally

“All-on-4” hybrid dentures were made of standard denture materials -- acrylic teeth and gums. These are much softer than natural teeth, so the teeth will predictably wear down over time. Luckily for all of us, dental materials continue to improve, and there are far stronger, more lifelike options now. At Atlanta Dental Spa, we pride ourselves on striving to provide the best, not the easiest or the cheapest. We want our patients to be thrilled with their results, and we want those beautiful results to be able to hold up for a very long time.

3D Surgical Design

Merging the latest CAD / CAM Implant Design & Planning software AND our detailed 3-D images of your bone from our Cone Beam CT - we are able to precisely plan your surgery down to the millimeter. From this, 3-D Surgical guides are printed to ensure the implants go EXACTLY where we intended to go. This increases safety, minimizes post-operative pain, and increases long-term stability overall.

We are the Cosmetic Dental Experts

We are known in Atlanta for expert cosmetic dentistry. Having a team of doctors that are experts in Smile Design allows us to create some of the most beautiful Implant Supported Hybrid Bridges in the world. Not only are the finals hand-crafted by a master ceramist and artist, but they are customized (just like veneer case would be) to fit YOUR facial features. This is not a situation where “one size fits all.”

Highest Quality Implants vs Bargain

Not all implants are created equally. We make sure to use the best products available that are backed by years of research and provide excellent warranties and guarantees. We utilize the most cutting-edge designs and materials with the finest ceramics, titanium, and zirconia available. This allows us to provide beautiful esthetics without the common bulky, weaker, problematic designs that so many other offices seem comfortable providing.

What Patients Are Saying about Atlanta Dental Spa


Do you feel pain with dental sedation?

How will I feel after sedation?

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